The new multi-million-pound Cambridge Road junction in Harlow has officially opened.

The new junction on the River Way and Templefields Industrial Estate marks a significant step towards improved connectivity in Harlow, reducing congestion, and aiding nearby businesses.

The project, backed by Homes England, forms part of a £171 million investment aimed at nurturing the town's future growth.

The development serves as an additional entry point to the Templefields Enterprise Zone and is already easing the traffic burden on Edinburgh Way, according to Essex County Council.

The new junction also provides quick and efficient access to haulage vehicles en route to strategic networks, ushering in a potential economic surge.

Commenting on the project, Councillor Lesley Wagland from the HGGT Joint Committee and Essex County Council, said: "Connectivity is absolutely crucial and most of the people I speak with have moved on from being categorised as ‘not in my back yard’ and just want to see the appropriate infrastructure.

"Road schemes always take a long while and it’s a huge thank you to everyone who not only lobbied and delivered this project but also had to bear with it.”

In addition to the support from Harlow's Towns Deal award, the initiative also garnered financial backing from Harlow Council.

Councillor Alistair Gunn, the portfolio holder for the garden town at Harlow Council, said: "Having provided £1.5 million towards the new Cambridge Road junction works through the £23.7 million Towns Fund that Harlow Council secured, it is very welcome that the road is now open.

"One of Harlow Council’s missions is to secure investment for the town’s future and this upgrade to our infrastructure is a good example of that in action.

"Indeed, the new junction is already supporting Harlow businesses on River Way.

"It is providing improved access and making the Templefields employment area even more attractive for major private investment, as we’ve seen with the recent arrival of LT Foods - a global rice manufacturer who have invested £7 million in their new state of the art facility and aim to provide up to 100 new jobs."