There were around 79,000 meals claimed in Epping Forest during the Eat Out to Help Out scheme.

Latest figures show that the Eat Out to Help Out scheme significantly boosted restaurant bookings during August, with the scheme growing in popularity each week.

In Epping Forest there were 98 restaurants registered to the 50 per cent government-funded discount – giving a variety of dining options as the government aimed to boost the economy.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said the scheme’s popularity had helped protect the livelihoods of the 1.8 million people working in the hospitality sector.

Now figures show that a total of £337,000 was discounted in Epping Forest.

These numbers are likely to grow, with restaurants having until the end of September to claim back the 50 per cent government-funded discounted applied to bills.

For people eating out, this meant diners had an average discount of £7.10

The Chancellor said: “From the get-go our mission has been to protect jobs- and to do this we needed be creative, brave and try things that no government has ever done before.

“Today’s figures continue to show Eat Out to Help Out has been a success. I want to thank everyone, from restaurant owners to waiters, chefs and diners, for embracing it and helping drive our economic recovery.

“The scheme is just one part of our Plan for Jobs and we will continue to protect, support and create jobs to ensure we come back stronger as a nation.”

According to OpenTable data, restaurant bookings across the UK increased by an average of 53 per cent on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the whole of August, compared to the same days in 2019.

In July 2020, restaurant bookings were down 54% on average from Mondays to Wednesdays compared to 2019.

There has been an upward trend in the scheme’s popularity since it launched, with 10.5 million meals claimed for in total in the first week, 35 million meals in the second and 64 million in the third.

By August 31, there were over 100 million meals claimed.

Jes Staley, Barclays Group CEO, said: “Eat Out to Help Out has undoubtedly had a positive impact – our data shows that restaurant spend grew by 34 per cent on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in August compared to the same days in July.

“The scheme has given the industry a real boost, and will hopefully support the jobs of many hardworking restaurant and fast-food employees across the country.

“Consumer feedback was also very encouraging, with almost one in five planning to continue dining out more often to support the industry, and a similar number saying that they will return to restaurants that they would not have visited otherwise.”

Some restaurants chains, such as Pizza Hut and Bill’s, have said they will finance similar offers this month following the jump in demand after the Treasury said it would not extend the scheme.