The county's coronavirus track and trace system will be funded by a £5.78 million government cash injection.

Essex County Council (ECC) has been given its share of a £300m funding package for UK local authorities to develop tailored outbreak control plans.

The funding provides a welcome boost, however the council's public health director has warned track and trace "is not a cure" and called for residents to continue to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Dr Mike Gogarty, director of wellbeing, public health and communities at ECC, said: “Social distancing is more relevant to people than ever.

“If you do not come within two metres of anyone you will never be regarded as at risk under track and trace and will not be asked to self-isolate”

“Although track and trace is now being implemented, and new processes to act upon it are being created, it is vital to remember it is a complementary system when it comes to halting the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

“Track and trace is not a cure and it won’t halt the spread of Covid-19 by itself.

“The key things everybody in Essex needs to do to stop the spread of Covid-19 is maintain two metres of social distance from people outside of your household and family bubble and keep washing your hands.”

ECC officials say the council has drawn up plans for identifying and containing potential outbreaks in places such as workplaces, housing complexes, care homes and schools.

A council spokesperson said: "Essex County Council is now working to ensure testing capacity is deployed effectively to high-risk locations. The council will work closely with the test and trace service, local NHS and other partners to achieve this.

"Data on the virus’s spread will be shared with other local authorities through the Joint Biosecurity Centre to inform local outbreak planning, so teams understand how the virus is moving, working with national government where necessary to access the track and trace capabilities of the new service."

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