A vet manager and her dog are bringing smiles to poorly and lonely members of the community by serving as volunteers for a pet’s therapy charity.

Sarah Cook, who works at Palmerston Veterinary Group in Buckhurst Hill, and her seven-year-old Cocker Spaniel, Missy, are registered with Pets as Therapy (PAT).

The duo regularly visits care homes, hospitals and schools to offer comfort, friendship and support.

Ms Cook, who has worked at Palmerston Vets for 17 years, the last two years as practice manager, said she realised Missy was a prime candidate as a PAT dog early on.

She said: “Missy has always been such a kind, friendly girl, even from a puppy. She’s so intuitive, if I’m feeling down or poorly she will come and sit with me and nuzzle up or put her paws on my shoulder.

“I have taken her into local schools since she was a year old because the practice is regularly asked if someone can visit to talk about vets and looking after animals. The children love her and she is so good with them.

“I’d heard about PAT dogs and it was always something I wanted to do, to bring comfort to those in need.

“I knew Missy would be amazing because of her temperament so I decided to have her assessed to see if we could be volunteers with the charity.”

Epping Forest Guardian:

Sarah Cook and Missy visiting Frank Foster care home resident John Mynott and nurse Mandy Perry

In order to qualify, Missy was assessed on how who should react to situations a PAT dog might find itself, such as being stroked by strangers to loud noises and being in crowds.

The pooch passed with flying colours and now part of the VetPartners family, which has more than 130 practices across the UK fundraising for PAT during 2020.

Ms Cook and her colleagues at the Buckhurst Hill practice are also getting behind the year-long fundraising appeal by organising several charity appeals.

Upcoming events include making Easter-themed treats for cats and dogs, a barbecue and a dog show in the practice grounds.

Epping Forest Guardian:

Frank Foster Care Home resident Patricia Tysoe being visited by Sarah Cook and Missy

“It is so rewarding, both for myself and Missy,” said Ms Cook. “Seeing how people react to her and she to them is amazing. Their eyes light up and in those moments you can tell they are happy.

“Being part of that and knowing, as a practice and as part of VetPartners, we are supporting bringing happiness to people and in some small way enhancing their lives, is simply the best feeling.”

For information on how you would like to become a Pets as Therapy (PAT) volunteer, visit www.vetpartners.co.uk

Visit https://pvgvethospital.co.uk/our-practices/buckhurst-hill/ to book a vet appointment.