Tony Drakeford


Latest articles from Tony Drakeford

Nature Notes: An end to the soggy weather?

On a much brighter note compared with Nature Notes of two weeks ago, finally around mid-July our so, so soggy summer pulled up its soaking wet socks and presented us with some beautiful hot sunny days.

Nature Notes: My favourite flower

For me, the sight of great swathes of oxeye daisies brightening the countryside is one of the most glorious and colourful sights of summer.

Nature Notes: My favourite flower

Bluebells have been voted the nation's favourite flower and the are certainly mine too. I love to sit quietly in a bluebell wood on a sunny spring morning.

Nature Notes: The demise of the dawn chorus

On a somewhat chilly morning in early May, I'm here for the dawn chorus, that glorious springtime phenomenon that never fails to enthral and stimulate the senses of anyone fortunate enough to experience it first hand.